23 June 2008

Rethinking Zoho

I've had a little more time to play with Zoho, and I've read some of the comments from our other bloggers. And I guess I'm softening a bit.

I can see that it could have its uses. And it does have that best quality of all, it's FREE.

For experienced users who can figure things out themselves, I would not hesitate to recommend that they give Zoho a try. For inexperienced users, or those who are (shall we say) not in the habit of comprehending & following onscreen directions...not so much.

As the Scots say (and I'm sure Bob Erle knows this well), "It's a good thing everybody doesn't like the same things...or else think of the oatmeal shortage."


Bob Erle said...

Orangerful got on ya didn't she. She poked me for criticizing it w/out first having used it. :)

Meerkatdon said...

Actually, nobody got on me...I was reading our other bloggers on Zoho and realizeed that there were more uses for it than I had originally considered.

I'm beginning to realize that I can approach these Web 2.0 things in somewhat the same way I approach books in reader's advisory: The question isn't so much "Is this thing good or bad?" but more "Who would like this thing, and who would dislike it?"

It's difficult to balance the two reactions: (1) The personal "What would I use this for, and do I like it?" and (2) The objective "Who would find this useful, and would they like using it?"