15 June 2009

Summer Reading Program 1996(?)

Before the national program, before Sneaks, before the statewide program...even before it was a Club...every year we chose our own theme and had a Summer Reading Program. This year, which may or may not have been 1996 (does anyone know for sure?), the theme was "Be a Monster Reader." (Click picture to embiggen.)

ABOVE: Long before Sneaks, we had the Reading Monster. It was a very computer-literate monster.

This was back in the days when every branch library in our state had a high-tech computer (complete with CD-ROM drive, wooooo) for searching the interlibrary loan system. No, not through the Internet (wazzat?), but on the CD.

ABOVE: A very courteous monster it was. And a good library user, too.

ABOVE: In this long-ago era, children's toys were made of wood. (No, not really.)

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