10 July 2008

Procrastinating/Having Fun

Sometimes when I'm reading a book that I really enjoy, I find myself slowing down as I reach the end. I'll put off reading it, especially when it gets down to the last chapter. It's because I don't want the fun to end; sometimes I quit reading the book altogether for a few days.

I think the same thing is happening with this Web 2.0 assignment, especially now that I'm reading posts from people who've finished. Meanwhile, I've glanced at the wiki assignment, but I haven't watched the video and I keep finding reasons excuses to do other things. (Fortunately, there are always other things to do.)

See, if I'm still working on the Web 2.0 assignment, then all this reading blogs and commenting and twittering like mad is productive, it's for the assignment. But once I'm done the assignment, I'll just be fooling around for the self-indulgent fun of it. If I never finish the assignment, I'll never have to stop the fun.

Sigh. What am I to do?


Bob Erle said...

What to do? is an easy one, finish it and become Explorer Emeritus and Advisor to those in need of advice. As such you get to wear a cape of Helpfulness that can wave dramatically in the wind as you strike a pose of Noble Virtue after helping some poor soul.

Orrrr we could just talk Orangerful into making up more assignments!

P. Reese Guyton said...

I ABSOLUTELY agree. This is more fun - what's the hurry? I think there's is the mistaken idea - left over from grade school (preschool?)- that fastest (first done) means 'best'. It doesn't. Trust me.

BTW - love Your blog header!