Staff Newsletters from 1984-2007 are now available online in PDF format.
This has been my pet project for most of the year, and now it's done. I have nearly 800 individual pages of Staff Newsletters going back to November 1984 in a shared notebook on my Evernote account. (Don't know what Evernote is? Boy, are you missing out!)
I don't want to make this publicly available, so if you would like access just email me and I will give you the super-secret private address.
15 June 2010
10 May 2010
Our Intranet
I'm on the new Intranet Task Force. It just occurred to me to seek some input here.
So, loyal readers, please give me your opinions on the following. If you aren't comfortable answering in comments, feel free to email me.
#1: What type of content would you like to see on the next-generation Intranet?
#2: How would you like the next-generation Intranet to be organized or arranged?
#3: What mistakes should we avoid in designing the next-generation Intranet?
#4: Do you, personally, create any content that you think should be available on the Intranet? (I'm thinking of those in-branch things that everyone has, like WST's invaluable index to the History Notes, or someone's really cool storytime templates.)
#5: Any other thoughts? Please share!
Thanks, everyone. I'll have a more entertaining blog post up soon.
So, loyal readers, please give me your opinions on the following. If you aren't comfortable answering in comments, feel free to email me.
#1: What type of content would you like to see on the next-generation Intranet?
#2: How would you like the next-generation Intranet to be organized or arranged?
#3: What mistakes should we avoid in designing the next-generation Intranet?
#4: Do you, personally, create any content that you think should be available on the Intranet? (I'm thinking of those in-branch things that everyone has, like WST's invaluable index to the History Notes, or someone's really cool storytime templates.)
#5: Any other thoughts? Please share!
Thanks, everyone. I'll have a more entertaining blog post up soon.
03 May 2010
No, You CAN'T Borrow the Stapler (and Other Budget Woes)
During these times of budget cuts and universal brouhaha, I can't help but remember budget crises past.
In particular, there was one set of budget cuts in the late 1980s or early 1990s (any oldtimers out there remember the time period?). Although we had a Director, the System was controlled by the Associate Administrator, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed. (This person is no longer with our system, and the position of Associate Administrator has been eliminated.)
In order to demonstrate the impact of budget cuts to the public, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed decreed that we would no longer let patrons use free office supplies. Paper, pens & pencils, paper clips, tape, even staples were no longer available for patron use. Scissors were a grey area: as I recall, we allowed people to use them, but afterwards people had to re-sharpen the blades with their teeth. Gods have mercy on the soul of anyone who asked for a postage stamp. We had to remove all such supplies from sight. If anyone asked to use office supplies, we were to explain that due to budget cuts we could no longer supply free supplies to the public.
The theory, I think, was that outraged patrons would immediately go home and call or write to their County Council members demanding that our budget be restored so that we could afford $1.26 for scotch tape. [At least, that was the public theory. I think there was also a large component of punishment for the ungrateful public who had allowed these budget cuts to happen in the first place. She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was like that.]
So we started refusing office supplies to the public. Did they follow the plan and protest to their elected officials?
Did pigs grow wings and fly to the tops of mountains?
Oh, the public was outraged, all right. And they did what they always do when outraged: they complained to the poor staff member in front of them. They screamed, they yelled, they cursed, they threatened to have us fired. They chanted "kalimah!" and plunged their hands into our chests, ripping out our still-beating hearts and dashing them to the floor.
Staff started wearing masks to hide our identities, and armored breastplates to protect our hearts. We dreaded coming to work each day.
The result? Staff members killed, maimed, or in therapy: Dozens. Calls or letters to elected officials: None. Are you surprised?
Eventually the budget crisis subsided (as they always do), things got better, and we were allowed to restore the staplers and tape dispensers to the tops of our desks.
So take heart in the current budget situation. It could be a lot worse....
In particular, there was one set of budget cuts in the late 1980s or early 1990s (any oldtimers out there remember the time period?). Although we had a Director, the System was controlled by the Associate Administrator, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed. (This person is no longer with our system, and the position of Associate Administrator has been eliminated.)
In order to demonstrate the impact of budget cuts to the public, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed decreed that we would no longer let patrons use free office supplies. Paper, pens & pencils, paper clips, tape, even staples were no longer available for patron use. Scissors were a grey area: as I recall, we allowed people to use them, but afterwards people had to re-sharpen the blades with their teeth. Gods have mercy on the soul of anyone who asked for a postage stamp. We had to remove all such supplies from sight. If anyone asked to use office supplies, we were to explain that due to budget cuts we could no longer supply free supplies to the public.
The theory, I think, was that outraged patrons would immediately go home and call or write to their County Council members demanding that our budget be restored so that we could afford $1.26 for scotch tape. [At least, that was the public theory. I think there was also a large component of punishment for the ungrateful public who had allowed these budget cuts to happen in the first place. She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was like that.]
So we started refusing office supplies to the public. Did they follow the plan and protest to their elected officials?
Did pigs grow wings and fly to the tops of mountains?
Oh, the public was outraged, all right. And they did what they always do when outraged: they complained to the poor staff member in front of them. They screamed, they yelled, they cursed, they threatened to have us fired. They chanted "kalimah!" and plunged their hands into our chests, ripping out our still-beating hearts and dashing them to the floor.
Staff started wearing masks to hide our identities, and armored breastplates to protect our hearts. We dreaded coming to work each day.
The result? Staff members killed, maimed, or in therapy: Dozens. Calls or letters to elected officials: None. Are you surprised?
Eventually the budget crisis subsided (as they always do), things got better, and we were allowed to restore the staplers and tape dispensers to the tops of our desks.
So take heart in the current budget situation. It could be a lot worse....
19 April 2010
Some Things I Learned at Computers in Libraries
1. reviews cool online reference resources daily.
2. Some Library systems are making great efforts to help patrons (young and old) create content that contributes to communities: checking out digital video cameras, providing training on video & audio editing software, supporting Web 2.0 communities like MySpace, Facebook, etc., having contests for kids to create digital artwork. They feel that this makes them more valuable to their patrons and more visible to politicians.
3. Many Libraries use Twitter, Facebook, and/or blogs to get the word out to patrons: new books/DVDs, programs, links to databases, appeals to contact politicians, etc. Some put a notice on the bottom of their receipts: “Follow us on Twitter @xyzlibrary” or “Join us on Facebook: xyzlibrary.” @prattlibrary is cited as a superb example of how a Library uses Twitter. One Nebraska library has a pet bird that sends out tweets and has hundreds of followers. Some Libraries report that newspaper reporters have picked up Twitter posts and showed up to write stories about programs, etc.
4. Some Librarians are just not cut out to be proofreaders. One presenter put up a slide that said “Gather as may sturdy brings as possible.” It was supposed to say “Gather as many sturdy bricks as possible.” I don't think she noticed.
5. Open Source systems are a great example of how you get what you pay for. Features that appear in one release (i.e. renewing an item) may suddenly disappear in the next. You need a good ISS department to succeed with an Open Source system.
6. Many Libraries use Google Analytics and Google Reader to find out what people are saying about their library and what people are looking for on their web pages. They adjust their emphasis accordingly.
7. One Library routinely searches for nearby Twitter posts that say things like “I’m going to the library” and answer accordingly: “We’re open until 5 today, we’ll look forward to seeing you.” Patrons are very impressed.
8. At Charlotte-Mecklenberg County PL, where they just laid off 120 staffers and are looking at a 50% budget cut in July, the Administration is so concerned about transparency and getting news to staff that one Administrator sends out twitter posts during Board meetings to keep the staff informed.
9. 80% of Americans own cell phones. By 2015, 2/3 of all mobile handsets will be smart phones. 43% own mp3 players.
10. Type in the address of your website at and it will give you a score on how “mobile friendly” your site is – along with suggested changes to make it more mobile-friendly. Our website scored 3%. (That’s 3 out of 100.)
11. Visit to download a mobile-friendly Worldcat app for your phone. Use it to search holdings at your library. It’s probably more mobile-friendly than your own website.
12. One simple way to get more mobile-friendly is to set up a “charging station” in your branch where people can charge their phones, PDAs, laptops, etc.
13. The Ebook landscape is in constant flux. One presenter said, “Everything I say will be outdated by the time you leave this room.” Experts expect that Ebooks will move away from hardware-specific platforms (i.e. Kindle, Nook, iPad) toward standard formats that can be read on any hardware. In the long run, the Ebook market is expected to look like the music market does today. Black-and-white readers using e-ink technology (i.e. Kindle, Nook) are expected to become economy products very soon. By Christmas 2010, expect an under-$100 version, under $50 by mid-2011. Patrons will have greatly-increased demand for eBooks; if libraries don’t take that into account, we will become irrelevant.
14. We must accept that libraries are going to look very different in the future - in 20 years we will not need as many shelves - paper books are on the way out, especially among the younger generation.
2. Some Library systems are making great efforts to help patrons (young and old) create content that contributes to communities: checking out digital video cameras, providing training on video & audio editing software, supporting Web 2.0 communities like MySpace, Facebook, etc., having contests for kids to create digital artwork. They feel that this makes them more valuable to their patrons and more visible to politicians.
3. Many Libraries use Twitter, Facebook, and/or blogs to get the word out to patrons: new books/DVDs, programs, links to databases, appeals to contact politicians, etc. Some put a notice on the bottom of their receipts: “Follow us on Twitter @xyzlibrary” or “Join us on Facebook: xyzlibrary.” @prattlibrary is cited as a superb example of how a Library uses Twitter. One Nebraska library has a pet bird that sends out tweets and has hundreds of followers. Some Libraries report that newspaper reporters have picked up Twitter posts and showed up to write stories about programs, etc.
4. Some Librarians are just not cut out to be proofreaders. One presenter put up a slide that said “Gather as may sturdy brings as possible.” It was supposed to say “Gather as many sturdy bricks as possible.” I don't think she noticed.
5. Open Source systems are a great example of how you get what you pay for. Features that appear in one release (i.e. renewing an item) may suddenly disappear in the next. You need a good ISS department to succeed with an Open Source system.
6. Many Libraries use Google Analytics and Google Reader to find out what people are saying about their library and what people are looking for on their web pages. They adjust their emphasis accordingly.
7. One Library routinely searches for nearby Twitter posts that say things like “I’m going to the library” and answer accordingly: “We’re open until 5 today, we’ll look forward to seeing you.” Patrons are very impressed.
8. At Charlotte-Mecklenberg County PL, where they just laid off 120 staffers and are looking at a 50% budget cut in July, the Administration is so concerned about transparency and getting news to staff that one Administrator sends out twitter posts during Board meetings to keep the staff informed.
9. 80% of Americans own cell phones. By 2015, 2/3 of all mobile handsets will be smart phones. 43% own mp3 players.
10. Type in the address of your website at and it will give you a score on how “mobile friendly” your site is – along with suggested changes to make it more mobile-friendly. Our website scored 3%. (That’s 3 out of 100.)
11. Visit to download a mobile-friendly Worldcat app for your phone. Use it to search holdings at your library. It’s probably more mobile-friendly than your own website.
12. One simple way to get more mobile-friendly is to set up a “charging station” in your branch where people can charge their phones, PDAs, laptops, etc.
13. The Ebook landscape is in constant flux. One presenter said, “Everything I say will be outdated by the time you leave this room.” Experts expect that Ebooks will move away from hardware-specific platforms (i.e. Kindle, Nook, iPad) toward standard formats that can be read on any hardware. In the long run, the Ebook market is expected to look like the music market does today. Black-and-white readers using e-ink technology (i.e. Kindle, Nook) are expected to become economy products very soon. By Christmas 2010, expect an under-$100 version, under $50 by mid-2011. Patrons will have greatly-increased demand for eBooks; if libraries don’t take that into account, we will become irrelevant.
14. We must accept that libraries are going to look very different in the future - in 20 years we will not need as many shelves - paper books are on the way out, especially among the younger generation.
Scratchpad Saves the Day - Again!
My coworker was helping a patron, and she turned to me. "This patrons says that a while ago you ordered a book for her on dream interpretation - do you remember which one it was?"
Did I panic? Did I laugh in the patron's face? Did I roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, sure, I remember every book I've ever ordered for anyone"?
Nope. I consulted my scratchpad, did a search for "dream," and soon found it: "I ordered Zolar's Encyclopedia of Dream Interpretation for someone on January 28th."
The patron nodded. "Yeah, it was at the end of January."
My coworker went to the shelves and pulled off Zolar's, and handed it to the patron. The patron thumbed through it and said, "Yes, this is the one." Success!
So what's a scratchpad? It's simple Notepad document that I keep open on my desktop whenever I'm on the public service desk. In it, I try to compulsively note down every interaction I have. Card numbers I look up, reference questions I answer, requests I place, equipment problems, who was on the desk with me, shelf checks, behavior problems, all those odd dribs and drabs of information that otherwise I would scribble on scrap paper and throw away. I don't get them all, because sometimes it's pretty busy, but I would say I manage to record a good 90-95%.
Here's what part of it looks like (I've edited out personal information):
This goes on, day after day, until I fill a whole year. Then I archive that document and start a new one for the new year.
It's fairly easy to do: in Notepad you can hit F5 to insert the current date and time, and I cut-and-paste library card numbers and such. I deliberately try to keep it brief so it won't take much time.
What's the point of all this obsessive notetaking? Because in one case out of a hundred, it comes in handy. Sometimes immediately: patron (without their card, of course) requests some books, then comes back 15 minutes later to request more -- I don't have to look up their number again. Patron says they requested a book two weeks ago and forgot to get it, doesn't remember what it was -- I search by card number and find the title. We're having an information survey and I suddenly realize that I haven't filled out anything for the past three hours -- everything I need is right there.
Am I suggesting that everyone do this? No. (If I did suggest it, would people do it? It is to laugh.) But I CAN testify that it's something I've found useful. If you want to do something similar, give me a call or drop me an email.
PS: It helps if you're a little obsessive-compulsive to begin with.
Did I panic? Did I laugh in the patron's face? Did I roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, sure, I remember every book I've ever ordered for anyone"?
Nope. I consulted my scratchpad, did a search for "dream," and soon found it: "I ordered Zolar's Encyclopedia of Dream Interpretation for someone on January 28th."
The patron nodded. "Yeah, it was at the end of January."
My coworker went to the shelves and pulled off Zolar's, and handed it to the patron. The patron thumbed through it and said, "Yes, this is the one." Success!
So what's a scratchpad? It's simple Notepad document that I keep open on my desktop whenever I'm on the public service desk. In it, I try to compulsively note down every interaction I have. Card numbers I look up, reference questions I answer, requests I place, equipment problems, who was on the desk with me, shelf checks, behavior problems, all those odd dribs and drabs of information that otherwise I would scribble on scrap paper and throw away. I don't get them all, because sometimes it's pretty busy, but I would say I manage to record a good 90-95%.
Here's what part of it looks like (I've edited out personal information):
1:00 PM 1/28/2010 working with xxx
1:10 PM 1/28/2010 phone 21997xxxxxxxxx what do i have checked out & when are they due?
1:10 PM 1/28/2010 phone do county libraries purchase used hardcover books?
1:14 PM 1/28/2010 21997xxxxxxxxx request cdl general knowledge test - also: "bible correspondence book" (patron wanted a concordance)
1:42 PM 1/28/2010 21997xxxxxxxxx new registration
1:57 PM 1/28/2010 pub04 problem printing yahoo chat conversation - due to layout of page by yahoo
5:00 PM 1/28/2010 working with xxxx
5:50 PM 1/28/2010 21997xxxxxxxxx pub07 patron asked to verify his sam printing balance
6:00 PM 1/28/2010 working with xxxxxx
6:33 PM 1/28/2010 pub06 assistance with magnet school acceptance website
6:51 PM 1/28/2010 21997xxxxxxxxx request zolar's encyclopedia of dream interpretation
6:59 PM 1/28/2010 phone - are you open on president's day
7:07 PM 1/28/2010 21997xxxxxxxxx look up card number
8:06 PM 1/28/2010 21997xxxxxxxxx new registration, sam user instruction
This goes on, day after day, until I fill a whole year. Then I archive that document and start a new one for the new year.
It's fairly easy to do: in Notepad you can hit F5 to insert the current date and time, and I cut-and-paste library card numbers and such. I deliberately try to keep it brief so it won't take much time.
What's the point of all this obsessive notetaking? Because in one case out of a hundred, it comes in handy. Sometimes immediately: patron (without their card, of course) requests some books, then comes back 15 minutes later to request more -- I don't have to look up their number again. Patron says they requested a book two weeks ago and forgot to get it, doesn't remember what it was -- I search by card number and find the title. We're having an information survey and I suddenly realize that I haven't filled out anything for the past three hours -- everything I need is right there.
Am I suggesting that everyone do this? No. (If I did suggest it, would people do it? It is to laugh.) But I CAN testify that it's something I've found useful. If you want to do something similar, give me a call or drop me an email.
PS: It helps if you're a little obsessive-compulsive to begin with.
26 February 2010
30 December 2009
Stuck in the Age of the Source
Reference service has always been about finding the exact information to answer a question. But since the advent of the Web and search engines, there's been a sea-change in the method for finding that information. Problem is, a lot of us (on both sides) are unaware of the change. Our unawareness is making our jobs harder, and making the library's resources more opague to patrons.
In the Olden Days, before the Web and search engines, the key to being a good reference librarian was to know your sources. Picking the right source was essential to getting the answer. (If you look very closely, you'll see that one of the behaviors correlated with reference success is still "finds answer in first source consulted.")
It's hard for librarians who have grown up with the Web to appreciate how important it was to be familiar with sources. Take a simple example: Which U.S. President was the first to speak on the radio? Now before you hit Google, let's pretend that there's a power failure and you have no internet access. I guarantee you, the answer is in your branch: what is it?
If you are aware of the reference book Famous First Facts, you will be able to find out that Warren G. Harding. If you aren't, you'll still be looking when the power comes back.
Another one (remember, no internet): When was Hurricane Agnes? You could scour the weather books, or you could look in Chase's Calendar and find it was June 14-23, 1972.
The point here is not that knowing the proper reference source can help when the power goes out. The point is that in the past, knowing the proper reference source was all there was. The source wasn't just the first thing, it was the only thing.
Today we don't need to worry about being familiar with sources. We have search engines, which keep up with the sources much better than we ever could. Today, the source isn't the first thing, second thing, or often even the tenth thing; the first thing is knowing how to structure your search terms.
We are no longer in the Age of Source; we are now in the Age of Search.
Trouble is, some folks who came up during the Age of Source have not made the adjustment. Some of them are not even aware that there's an adjustment to be made.
We still train our new people as if we were in the Age of Source. We have a Core Reference Collection of the "best sources," and our new folks spend incredible amounts of time familiarizing themselves with the Core Sources. Enormous amounts of time and effort go into updating and maintaining the Core Reference training assignments. I don't know who sits there correcting page numbers and writing new questions every time a print source is updated, but I have to wonder if their time couldn't be better spent.
We treat databases and websites as if Source was the only thing. First of all, on our website we separate paid databases from recommended enormous confusion among staff and patrons. Imagine that someone asks you which President was first to appear on television -- and your immediate response is to wonder whether the answer will be in a paid database or on a free website?
Second, click on our "databases" menu option. Go ahead, click on it. What do you get? An alphabetical listing of databases. Talk about putting the Source first! Before you can even start to find the answer, you have to know the bleeding name of the database.
Who arranges things that way? Those who are stuck in the Age of Source.
Is it any wonder that most patrons turn first to Google, or that they accept the first answer they find (usually in Wikipedia)? Reference librarians, be honest: except for the few databases you use all the time, don't you usually go to Google first?
So what would be better? For training, sure, review sources: but concentrate much more on search strategies. Stop quizzing people on print sources and endlessly updating those quizzes. If the power goes out, we're just going to have to muddle through.
One the website, let's eliminate the distinction between databases and recommended websites.
And if not an alphabetical listing of databases, then what? Ideally, we would have what patrons expect: a search box, which would use some kind of magical federated searching to select the right databases and websites for the questioner. I know that's beyond our means right now, but fortunately a second-best solution already exists: a subject index to databases and recommended websites. Staff and patrons shouldn't have to be intimately familiar with the sources; they should concentrate on the question.
Let's make a subject listing of databases and websites the default. The alphabetical index can still be there, just don't make it the first thing that comes up.
The Age of Source is over. Except for power failures...and during a power failure, you can't access the databases and recommended websites anyway.
The Age of Search is here. Has been here for a long time. It's a new millennium, a new century, and we're coming up on a new decade.
When will we give up the past and join the present?
In the Olden Days, before the Web and search engines, the key to being a good reference librarian was to know your sources. Picking the right source was essential to getting the answer. (If you look very closely, you'll see that one of the behaviors correlated with reference success is still "finds answer in first source consulted.")
It's hard for librarians who have grown up with the Web to appreciate how important it was to be familiar with sources. Take a simple example: Which U.S. President was the first to speak on the radio? Now before you hit Google, let's pretend that there's a power failure and you have no internet access. I guarantee you, the answer is in your branch: what is it?
If you are aware of the reference book Famous First Facts, you will be able to find out that Warren G. Harding. If you aren't, you'll still be looking when the power comes back.
Another one (remember, no internet): When was Hurricane Agnes? You could scour the weather books, or you could look in Chase's Calendar and find it was June 14-23, 1972.
The point here is not that knowing the proper reference source can help when the power goes out. The point is that in the past, knowing the proper reference source was all there was. The source wasn't just the first thing, it was the only thing.
Today we don't need to worry about being familiar with sources. We have search engines, which keep up with the sources much better than we ever could. Today, the source isn't the first thing, second thing, or often even the tenth thing; the first thing is knowing how to structure your search terms.
We are no longer in the Age of Source; we are now in the Age of Search.
Trouble is, some folks who came up during the Age of Source have not made the adjustment. Some of them are not even aware that there's an adjustment to be made.
We still train our new people as if we were in the Age of Source. We have a Core Reference Collection of the "best sources," and our new folks spend incredible amounts of time familiarizing themselves with the Core Sources. Enormous amounts of time and effort go into updating and maintaining the Core Reference training assignments. I don't know who sits there correcting page numbers and writing new questions every time a print source is updated, but I have to wonder if their time couldn't be better spent.
We treat databases and websites as if Source was the only thing. First of all, on our website we separate paid databases from recommended enormous confusion among staff and patrons. Imagine that someone asks you which President was first to appear on television -- and your immediate response is to wonder whether the answer will be in a paid database or on a free website?
Second, click on our "databases" menu option. Go ahead, click on it. What do you get? An alphabetical listing of databases. Talk about putting the Source first! Before you can even start to find the answer, you have to know the bleeding name of the database.
Who arranges things that way? Those who are stuck in the Age of Source.
Is it any wonder that most patrons turn first to Google, or that they accept the first answer they find (usually in Wikipedia)? Reference librarians, be honest: except for the few databases you use all the time, don't you usually go to Google first?
So what would be better? For training, sure, review sources: but concentrate much more on search strategies. Stop quizzing people on print sources and endlessly updating those quizzes. If the power goes out, we're just going to have to muddle through.
One the website, let's eliminate the distinction between databases and recommended websites.
And if not an alphabetical listing of databases, then what? Ideally, we would have what patrons expect: a search box, which would use some kind of magical federated searching to select the right databases and websites for the questioner. I know that's beyond our means right now, but fortunately a second-best solution already exists: a subject index to databases and recommended websites. Staff and patrons shouldn't have to be intimately familiar with the sources; they should concentrate on the question.
Let's make a subject listing of databases and websites the default. The alphabetical index can still be there, just don't make it the first thing that comes up.
The Age of Source is over. Except for power failures...and during a power failure, you can't access the databases and recommended websites anyway.
The Age of Search is here. Has been here for a long time. It's a new millennium, a new century, and we're coming up on a new decade.
When will we give up the past and join the present?
23 December 2009
Here's one of the ornaments that I gave to staff here at BCY. These were designed & made by my husband Thomas Atkinson (@darthmarmalade on Twitter). They're acrylic, about 3 x 2 inches. You can't really make it out in the picture, but they are laser-etched with the inscription "BCY HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2009" (except they don't say "BCY," they have the real branch abbreviation).
Some were green, some were red. There's also a single black one, which I kept for myself.
12 December 2009
Jabberwabby or Something
I just found these notes that I jotted down following a staff-patron interaction from sometime in the 1990s. This was too good not to share.
(And yes, I do know who the "Clueless Wonder" was. The person is no longer associated with our system, but I'm not going to give the name.)
I set the scene. Don is standing at his station, placing holds for a large thousand-year-old woman ("Grandma") who wanted every book that Oprah had ever featured, discussed, or thought about. A staff member we will call “C.W.” (for “Clueless Wonder”) is at her station, to Don's left.
A teenage girl (let's call her Ashley) approaches C.W., with appropriate sound f/x of snapping gum and three "y'knows" for every two actual words.)
Ashley: My teacher said I had to read a poem called, um, Jabberwabby or something.
C.W.: (frowning) you know how to spell it?
Ashley: Uh, hold on. (rummages through her backpack, pulls out a crumpled paper, squints) Uh, it's J...A...B...
C.W.: "B" like "Boy"?
Ashley: Uh, I guess. Here (hands C.W. the paper)
C.W.: (squinting at paper) Oh...kay. (types furiously. frowns. types again. frowns again. clicks the mouse a few times for good luck. types again. frowns and grunts.) Hmmm. I don't see it listed anywhere.
Don: (aside, to C.W., while holding a finger up to silence Grandma for a moment in the middle of The Deep End of the Ocean) C.W., it's in Alice in Wonderland. (returns attention to Grandma, knowing full well that it's actually in Through the Looking Glass, but figuring that anyone with at least a Bachelor's Degree would know what he meant.)
C.W.: Oh, okay. (types furiously, frowns, types, clicks, frowns, grunts, frowns, clicks, clicks, types, types, grunts, frowns) (to Don) Uh, I can't find it.
Don: (aside to C.W., while holding a finger up to silence Grandma in between Drowning Ruth and The House of Sand and Fog) Try "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."
C.W.: Oh, okay, thanks. (types, clicks, frowns, grunts, and then executes the ever-difficult triple-click-and-frown with double grunt, earning a 9.3 from the Russians) Uh... (silent appeal to Don with deep, brown eyes that have never been tainted by the slightest trace of a clue)
Don: (aside to C.W., not even bothering to pause Grandma at We Were the Mulvaneys) C.W., just go check the shelves under "Lewis Carroll" and you'll find it.
C.W.: Oh, okay, thanks. (to Ashley) Come on. (Departs the desk, leading Ashley in the direction of Adult Fiction) [Alice, meanwhile, is on the Children's Fiction shelves.]
Don: (sighs and explains to Grandma that no, she doesn't want the Bible, she wants The Poisonwood Bible)
Ten minutes later, C.W. returns to the desk with Ashley in tow. C.W. is triumphantly clutching a tattered paperback of Alice. She quiveringly holds it in Don's direction.
C.W.: I finally found one in the Classics section. Uh...
Don: (face frozen in Professional Smile Number Six, the one that shows his venom-dripping canines to best advantage) Here, let me see. (flips through the book, gets to Through the Looking Glass, recognizes the White Knight and so knows he's in the right neighborhood, then opens to p. 134-136. Briefly considers pointing C.W. toward the mirror-image first verse,
but then takes pity on her and indicates the start of "Jabberwocky" without a word.)
C.W.: Oh, okay, thanks. (hands the book to Ashley.) Does this look like it?
Don turns away, thinking that it was much pleasanter at home, when one wasn't always growing larger and smaller, and being ordered about by mice and rabbits.
(And yes, I do know who the "Clueless Wonder" was. The person is no longer associated with our system, but I'm not going to give the name.)
I set the scene. Don is standing at his station, placing holds for a large thousand-year-old woman ("Grandma") who wanted every book that Oprah had ever featured, discussed, or thought about. A staff member we will call “C.W.” (for “Clueless Wonder”) is at her station, to Don's left.
A teenage girl (let's call her Ashley) approaches C.W., with appropriate sound f/x of snapping gum and three "y'knows" for every two actual words.)
Ashley: My teacher said I had to read a poem called, um, Jabberwabby or something.
C.W.: (frowning) you know how to spell it?
Ashley: Uh, hold on. (rummages through her backpack, pulls out a crumpled paper, squints) Uh, it's J...A...B...
C.W.: "B" like "Boy"?
Ashley: Uh, I guess. Here (hands C.W. the paper)
C.W.: (squinting at paper) Oh...kay. (types furiously. frowns. types again. frowns again. clicks the mouse a few times for good luck. types again. frowns and grunts.) Hmmm. I don't see it listed anywhere.
Don: (aside, to C.W., while holding a finger up to silence Grandma for a moment in the middle of The Deep End of the Ocean) C.W., it's in Alice in Wonderland. (returns attention to Grandma, knowing full well that it's actually in Through the Looking Glass, but figuring that anyone with at least a Bachelor's Degree would know what he meant.)
C.W.: Oh, okay. (types furiously, frowns, types, clicks, frowns, grunts, frowns, clicks, clicks, types, types, grunts, frowns) (to Don) Uh, I can't find it.
Don: (aside to C.W., while holding a finger up to silence Grandma in between Drowning Ruth and The House of Sand and Fog) Try "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."
C.W.: Oh, okay, thanks. (types, clicks, frowns, grunts, and then executes the ever-difficult triple-click-and-frown with double grunt, earning a 9.3 from the Russians) Uh... (silent appeal to Don with deep, brown eyes that have never been tainted by the slightest trace of a clue)
Don: (aside to C.W., not even bothering to pause Grandma at We Were the Mulvaneys) C.W., just go check the shelves under "Lewis Carroll" and you'll find it.
C.W.: Oh, okay, thanks. (to Ashley) Come on. (Departs the desk, leading Ashley in the direction of Adult Fiction) [Alice, meanwhile, is on the Children's Fiction shelves.]
Don: (sighs and explains to Grandma that no, she doesn't want the Bible, she wants The Poisonwood Bible)
Ten minutes later, C.W. returns to the desk with Ashley in tow. C.W. is triumphantly clutching a tattered paperback of Alice. She quiveringly holds it in Don's direction.
C.W.: I finally found one in the Classics section. Uh...
Don: (face frozen in Professional Smile Number Six, the one that shows his venom-dripping canines to best advantage) Here, let me see. (flips through the book, gets to Through the Looking Glass, recognizes the White Knight and so knows he's in the right neighborhood, then opens to p. 134-136. Briefly considers pointing C.W. toward the mirror-image first verse,

C.W.: Oh, okay, thanks. (hands the book to Ashley.) Does this look like it?
Don turns away, thinking that it was much pleasanter at home, when one wasn't always growing larger and smaller, and being ordered about by mice and rabbits.
04 December 2009
The More Things Change....
The More Things Change...
Did you know that our organization once practiced censorship? It's true. Just like the Vatican, we had a list of "forbidden books" that would not be purchased and could not be ordered through interlibrary loan.
Here's a quote from the January 1987 Newsletter, reporting on the November 1986 Board meeting:
Today we have no "forbidden" list of items that can't be ordered through interlibrary loan. And incidentally, the staff member who reported this was to succeed Mr. Marshall many years later. I'm just sayin'....
...The More Things Stay The Same.
From the Staff Newsletter March 1979:
Did you know that our organization once practiced censorship? It's true. Just like the Vatican, we had a list of "forbidden books" that would not be purchased and could not be ordered through interlibrary loan.
Here's a quote from the January 1987 Newsletter, reporting on the November 1986 Board meeting:
Mr. Marshall replied to the Board's request for information on the list of books that will not be bought by the system, and may not be requested through MILO. A Board member questioned why these books were not available through Interlibrary Loan. Mr. Marshall explained that it was felt that the system should not give its problems to another system by offering this option, and that after making the decision not to buy these for our patrons we should stand by that decision. After discussion, the Board indicated that the list should remain.
Today we have no "forbidden" list of items that can't be ordered through interlibrary loan. And incidentally, the staff member who reported this was to succeed Mr. Marshall many years later. I'm just sayin'....
...The More Things Stay The Same.
From the Staff Newsletter March 1979:
The staff development meeting on merchandising techniques held in January received high marks from staff members in their overall impressions of the meeting...
Odenton arrived at an entirely new floor plan based on the techniques articulated at the meeting; moving of furniture and materials took place there on February 28. Most participants felt they would apply material presented directly to displays created in the branches -- using face-out stocking where possible and experimenting with vertical shelving techniques so that all sizes of patrons could reach materials easily. Most also agreed that the most serious obstacle to more effective merchandising of materials was the lack of appropriate display fixtures and shelving...
24 November 2009
25 Years Ago
Selections from the Staff Newsletter November 1984:
(as always, names of current staff and branches have been disguised)
September 1985 Board Meeting
"Financially, the...Library System is in good shape with all figures in the black. In the new 1985 budget, personal services is up $700,000.00 dur to six new positions in the library system and also several additional benefits for retirees. Mr. Patterson said that funds may need to be transferred to the education fund which is used heavily by the staff. He reported that the majority of courses (70-80%) are taken at the...Community College and most others are completed at the University of [our State]."
"Ms. Pinder mentioned a number of changes that will take place at the West Street Branch to accommodate an automated syst4em. The circulation desk will be raised and a new information counter installed. Following this introduction, John McGarty, Chief of Technical Services, conducted a tour of the information area at West Street and demonstrated the computer for trustees. West Street is wcheduled to be on-line by December 31, 1984."
"In the Administrator's Report, Ms. Pinder stated that circulation statistics were down with West Street and McKinsey figures being most notable. All agreed that the opening of the new Cape St. C Branch probably had affected the statistics of these two branches. Video circulations were also down, but a borrowing rule to allow one video check-out per card rather than one per family may help, it was reported."
"Ms. Pinder also reported on the many varied activities that took place in the branches for the summer reading program. The program drew 1,667 children countywide."
"For this year, Mr. Hall suggested that the Board consider closing the branches all day Christmas Eve, as the 24th falls on a Monday and only four branches are open to the public Monday mornings. This proposal was unanimously approved."
"Mr. Hall informed the Board of the all-day General Staff Meeting on October 31 at the Ft. Meade Officer's Club. The staff has become too large to fit comfortably into a branch, especially for an all-day meeting."
"Building projects and problems were discussed briefly. The Fort M Branch site will be proposed and defended before the County Council on October 1, plans for the West Street addition are moving ahead, and money is available for the Mayo Branch site. Land adjoining the Odenton Branch will be graded for better visibility exiting the parking area."
Nancy Rea
Staff Association Representative
The four-page Newsletter from November 1984 is available in pdf format here. It's in the AACPL folder.
(as always, names of current staff and branches have been disguised)
September 1985 Board Meeting
"Financially, the...Library System is in good shape with all figures in the black. In the new 1985 budget, personal services is up $700,000.00 dur to six new positions in the library system and also several additional benefits for retirees. Mr. Patterson said that funds may need to be transferred to the education fund which is used heavily by the staff. He reported that the majority of courses (70-80%) are taken at the...Community College and most others are completed at the University of [our State]."
"Ms. Pinder mentioned a number of changes that will take place at the West Street Branch to accommodate an automated syst4em. The circulation desk will be raised and a new information counter installed. Following this introduction, John McGarty, Chief of Technical Services, conducted a tour of the information area at West Street and demonstrated the computer for trustees. West Street is wcheduled to be on-line by December 31, 1984."
"In the Administrator's Report, Ms. Pinder stated that circulation statistics were down with West Street and McKinsey figures being most notable. All agreed that the opening of the new Cape St. C Branch probably had affected the statistics of these two branches. Video circulations were also down, but a borrowing rule to allow one video check-out per card rather than one per family may help, it was reported."
"Ms. Pinder also reported on the many varied activities that took place in the branches for the summer reading program. The program drew 1,667 children countywide."
"For this year, Mr. Hall suggested that the Board consider closing the branches all day Christmas Eve, as the 24th falls on a Monday and only four branches are open to the public Monday mornings. This proposal was unanimously approved."
"Mr. Hall informed the Board of the all-day General Staff Meeting on October 31 at the Ft. Meade Officer's Club. The staff has become too large to fit comfortably into a branch, especially for an all-day meeting."
"Building projects and problems were discussed briefly. The Fort M Branch site will be proposed and defended before the County Council on October 1, plans for the West Street addition are moving ahead, and money is available for the Mayo Branch site. Land adjoining the Odenton Branch will be graded for better visibility exiting the parking area."
Nancy Rea
Staff Association Representative
The four-page Newsletter from November 1984 is available in pdf format here. It's in the AACPL folder.
23 October 2009
The Part of the Question You DIDN'T Hear Answered
At today's General Staff Meeting, the Administration answered pre-submitted questions from the Staff. It appears that only one question was submitted. Something was read, and the Administration response was given.
What you don't know is that you only heard part of of the question. I know, because I am the one who submitted it.
Here's what the Administration responded to: "I was disappointed that staff were asked to pay for their own incentive awards through the Staff Association. It seems to send the message that [the orgnization] appreciates us as long as it doesn’t cost anything."
Here's the rest of the question, which you didn't hear, and which the Administration did not respond to:
"Was any consideration given to funding the awards by asking Board Members to each kick in twenty-five bucks or so, or taking up a collection from senior management?"
We can all guess why this question wasn't read or answered. It would embarrass the Administration. And the fact that the question wasn't answered tells us what the answer is: no. No consideration was given to having the top brass chip in to fund the incentive awards.
Now maybe that's because their consideration hadn't reached that point when the Staff Association volunteered to pay for the awards. That's an innocent enough explanation. But if so, why bother to avoid the question?
I guess we all have to draw our own conclusions.
UPDATE: Please see Nancy's answer in the comments.
And a side comment to those who've told me how surprised they were that I asked the question to begin with, or who told me that they didn't send in questions because they were afraid: I felt completely comfortable with my original question and this blog post because it's my experience that our Administration is willing to answer questions and address staff concerns. The Administration understands that disagreements are a fact of life, and simply asking a question is not going to get you in trouble.
It didn't used to be like that here, and I understand it's not like that in a lot of other organizations. Freedom to ask questions and voice concerns is one of the real strengths of our system.
What you don't know is that you only heard part of of the question. I know, because I am the one who submitted it.
Here's what the Administration responded to: "I was disappointed that staff were asked to pay for their own incentive awards through the Staff Association. It seems to send the message that [the orgnization] appreciates us as long as it doesn’t cost anything."
Here's the rest of the question, which you didn't hear, and which the Administration did not respond to:
"Was any consideration given to funding the awards by asking Board Members to each kick in twenty-five bucks or so, or taking up a collection from senior management?"
We can all guess why this question wasn't read or answered. It would embarrass the Administration. And the fact that the question wasn't answered tells us what the answer is: no. No consideration was given to having the top brass chip in to fund the incentive awards.
Now maybe that's because their consideration hadn't reached that point when the Staff Association volunteered to pay for the awards. That's an innocent enough explanation. But if so, why bother to avoid the question?
I guess we all have to draw our own conclusions.
UPDATE: Please see Nancy's answer in the comments.
And a side comment to those who've told me how surprised they were that I asked the question to begin with, or who told me that they didn't send in questions because they were afraid: I felt completely comfortable with my original question and this blog post because it's my experience that our Administration is willing to answer questions and address staff concerns. The Administration understands that disagreements are a fact of life, and simply asking a question is not going to get you in trouble.
It didn't used to be like that here, and I understand it's not like that in a lot of other organizations. Freedom to ask questions and voice concerns is one of the real strengths of our system.
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