16 July 2009

From the July 1986 Newsletter

[Names of current staffers have been disguised and secret identities have been used for current branches. Look in the sidebar to the right to decode these secret identities.]

Lightning Bolt Strikes HAR

A lightning bolt apparently made a direct hit on the HAR branch roof during a severe storm Thursday, June 12. The jolt knocked out power and phone lines and forced the early closing of the branch.

"It's kind of extraordinary. We're not the tallest building around," Jane Wilson, acting branch manager, said. HAR staffers kept cool heads and promptly ushered patrons out of the building, which closed at 5:30.

Although a small fire caused some minor damage in the wiring above the Information Desk, the damage was quickly repaired. Phone lines were back in operation before long. The effect of the jolt on the terminals, however, has been longer lasting. Both the phone company and CLSI have been working to determine why the terminals have been operating so slowly since the storm hit.


Intruder Alert at ODN

ODN branch manager N.C. awoke from a sound sleep at 12:30 AM Tuesday, June 17, when Best Security called to report that the ODN alarm had been set off.

Arriving at the branch shortly before 1 AM, she cautiously entered the building behind Police Officer Fleming (Badge #759). The door squeaked open, ever so slowly, and there he was! The intruder - a helium balloon from the Summer Reading Kickoff Monday afternoon, bobbing along the floor.

"We discovered another balloon gaily floating through the air in front of a motion detector in the record area," N. wrote in the Alarm Call Report.

"Officer Fleming and I tried jumping up and down and climbing on furniture in an effort to corral the intruder. We finally had success with a pincer movement -- I batted the balloon with the long pole Don uses to wash our high windows, while Officer Fleming jumped on a bookshelf and apprehended the culprit. All in a day's work for us both."


May Board Meeting

The May meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order May 15 at 4:30 PM, at the West Street branch.

Minutes from the April meeting were approved as presented.

The first new business was the Treasurer's Report...Mr. Patterson explained the [organization] Revenue Report from July 1, 1985, through April 30, 1986. He also reported that the new Ricoh photocopying machines had been installed and that branch feedback was favorable in terms of copy quality and special features. Unfavorable comments, however, included the difficulty of initial use, the loudness of the beeping, and interference at some branches between the copy machines and the security system.

Ms. P. reported that circulation for the month of April was up overall, although leveling off at CSC and PAS. She commented that some CSC patrons might be going to MCK now that MCK has a video collection.

As the next agenda item, Ms. P. provided the Board with a copy of the proposed 1987 holiday schedule, to be voted on at the June meeting.

Mr. Hall presented an update on FTM and commented that the library will have good visibility, being the prominent building in the shopping center. He reported that there is now a consultant on board for the parking lot and driveway projects at ODN.

Mrs. Williams raised a question about changing the color of library cards so that they could be more easily distinguished from other cards, as are the blue video cards. Ms. P. replied that there will be an investigation of new library cards once all branches are online.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.

S.K., PAS branch

02 July 2009

Ghost of Summer Reading Clubs Past

I looked at tee shirts, I pulled out old Newsletters, I looked through old photographs...and this is the best I can come up with. I'm hoping that others can fill in the blanks.

I only went back to 1974 because that's the year I started on the payroll as a Page at AIR. I doubt there's anyone left who can remember further back...but if so, please let me know.

Put additions, corrections, or anything else in comments, or email me, or Twitter me @meerkatdon.

(Scroll down; I don't know why the table is so far down the page.)

2009Be Creative @ Your LibrarySneaksNational
2008Catch the Reading BugSneaksNational
2007Reading Road TripSneaksState
2006Clue Into ReadingSneaksState
2005Wild About ReadingSneaksState
2004Readers RuleSneaksState
2003Blastoff to ReadingSneaksState
2002Race to ReadSneaksState
2001Buggy About ReadingSneaksState
2000Reading RhythmsSneaksState
1999Catch the Reading WaveChesterLocal
1998Thrills and Chills at the LibraryChesterLocal
1997Camp Read-A-LotChesterLocal
1996Ready, Set, ReadChesterLocal
1994Don't Become Extinct, Read!ChesterLocal
1993Dive Into a Good BookChesterLocal
1992Passport to ReadingChesterLocal
1991Space/Planets (don't know exact title)ChesterLocal
1990Reading is NiftyChesterLocal
1989Dinosaurs (don't know exact title)ChesterLocal
1988Be a Monster Reader(?)Blue Reading Monster(?)Local
1987What's Hiding at the Library?Inspector O'HareLocal
1986Salute to Lady LibertyNoneLocal